About Us
Purpose Statement
The mission of the CET is to promote water-use efficiency and increase public awareness of the importance of water in Southern California, specifically in Los Angeles County.

The Public Water Agencies Group (PWAG) is an association of 17 retail water districts, irrigation districts and wholesale municipal water districts in Los Angeles County that addresses water issues. Due to an increased need for water-use efficiency outreach programs, PWAG created the Conservation and Education Team (CET) which provides conservation and educational resources within Los Angeles County.

History & Focus
In the early 1960s, the Group came together to collaborate on water initiatives, address common concerns, and share the costs of addressing regional water challenges.
The Group was successful in obtaining a precedential ruling in the early 1980s that determined that water districts were not obligated to provide water free of charge to fire departments. The Group sued the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County on the issue, resulting in a decision by the California Court of Appeals (Public Water Agencies Group v. Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County (1983) 145 Cal.App.3d 698).
Focus on Water Education and Initiatives
The Group strives to enrich the public’s appreciation for the value of water through educational programs, initiatives, teacher grants, scholarships, and community events, while collaborating on issues of concern among public agency water suppliers. CET believes it is critical to make an impact in students’ lives and does so by offering interesting and compelling educational programs and contests.

Splash Cash Program
The purpose of the Splash Cash program is to improve and supplement academic instruction by awarding up to $1,500 for creative water-related educational software, activities or supplies needed to assist teachers with the classroom or virtual learning environment and promote water education and conservation within Los Angeles County.
Scholar Dollars
Scholar Dollars, the CET scholarship program, promotes water awareness by providing financial support for college. The program provides a scholarship to high school seniors planning to attend a two- or four-year college or technical college in the following school year.
Other Group activities and priorities:
Project WET Workshop for teachers
Mini Solar Cup (5th-6th Grade)
Poster Contest
Filling Station Program
Media Contest for High School Students
California Native Gardening Program
Water Treatment Plant Field Trips
Project WET Workshop for teachers
Important dates such as program deadlines, workshops and events are listed here.
Contact Us
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